Dr. Firestone's Mind and Perception Lab

In January of 2019, I joined Dr. Firestone's Perception and Mind Lab. I helped Dr. Morales construct a testing aparatus for one of his experiments, and am currently working on my own experiment related to the perception of time. Unfortunately I cannot link any photos yet, but I will as soon as our papers our published! However, please check out all of the other super cool experiments that other members of my lab have done!

Dr. Jackson's Billie Holiday Project

Over the summer of 2019, I got to work under the guidance of Dr. Jackson in assisting with research related to the Billie Holiday Project. Although most of my research was done in various archives that summer, I continue to contribute to the project in the form of maps, which show different crime statistics in the city of Baltimore. The extra contributions I made since working on that project can be viewed through my presentation at the Macksey Symposium.

Senior Thesis for English

For the Fall semester of my senior year, I will be working on a senior thesis under Dr. Jesse Rosenthal's supervision, a 25-30 page paper to explore any topic of literature that I want. I will be analyzing the validity of Computational Literary Studies (CLS) as a concept and its methodology, as well as how CLS might change the field of literature. As a psychology major, I have practiced different data-gathering and data-analyzing techniques, which provides me with good background knowledge to investigate how similar techniques can be reapplied to traditional literary analysis within the growing trend of Digital Humanities.

Chen Lab

During my senior year through the present, I have also been a parttime research assistant for Janice Chen's lab at JHU. I work on projects at the intersection of memory and storytelling, combining my love for English and psychology! Since I work full-time as an Admissions Officer now, I am not able to spend as much time on projects as I did while I was an undergraduate.


I am also part of the development team for Wikispeedruns. The goal of our game is to navigate between two wikipedia articles as quickly as possible, using only the links within wikipedia! We are currently in the beta version of our game, so please give it a try and leave us some feedback!

Research Methods in English - Final Project

Please view the webpage for my final Spring 2021 Research Methods project Here! This project utilized CLS techniques to examine changes in feminist criticism in the last 50 years

JHU Batlab

The summer after my first year at JHU, I began working in the Batlab, where I also worked the following fall as well. I helped on two different projects, one under the supervision of graduate student Iven Yu, and the other under Dr. Kirsten Bohn. This lab was my first foray into research and data analysis, however I left that lab so that I could shift my research focus to human perception research.

Personal Projects

In addition to the projects that I have been lucky enough to help on, I also have a few random projects of my own. These projects are usually small, such as the semi-random number generator I made for assigning to variables in one of my experiments, or a walkthrough that I made to teach my mom how to use Leaflet in R. Other projects are a little bit bigger, like the set of furniture that I made in order to furnish my first real apartment (desktop to the left) or some art pieces for my friends.

Last update: 12/1/2021 by Axel Bax. Fun fact: This website was built and is maintained by me!